Hello! I’m Carlos, I was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukaemia on 31 March 2011, and since then I have been UNSTOPPABLE.
I say I am UNSTOPPABLE because I have not let the disease hold me back, I have stood up to it, it will not defeat me. I know that my life has changed a lot and that the road has not been easy, but with effort, will and thanks to the treatments I am still here, fighting every day and, above all, LIVING.
I decided to get the word UNSTOPPABLE tattooed, because that’s what I am. My life is not easy, it has its tough and difficult moments, but when I see it engraved on my arm I feel the strength of so many people, a strength that renews my desire to continue fighting each day, to continue facing new challenges and to be able to increase the awareness of the great work that the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation does. I am very proud that people in my area know me and call me “Carlos the Unstoppable” because it means that I have made the Foundation’s values my own, and this makes me very happy.
I know I am not the only one going through this, but for that very reason we must unite, so that one day leukaemia will have an end date.