Hello! My name is Álvaro and I was diagnosed with acute myeloid
leukaemia in 2011. I was very tired, my body was begging me to sleep and everyone was
telling that I didn’t look so good. He was 42 years old and my lifestyle was very
hectic. I had just got divorced and was working a lot. But one day, my mother’s
husband told me to go to the hospital. He was very pale and thin and did not
look overly healthy.
I was tested and they immediately saw that I had leukaemia.
I needed a bone marrow transplant. Did you know that only 1 in 4 patients
who need a transplant have a compatible family member? Well, I, who
have 6 siblings, didn’t have a single one that was compatible. So the Josep
Carreras Foundation found an anonymous donor for me.
This process was very hard, but it taught me something that I don’t want to
forget: the importance of the HERE and the NOW.
If you want to know more about my story, you can chat with me
here: https://chats.fcarreras.org/diarioalvaro
I’m Unstoppable!