►The Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation presents the 2023 Report of the Bone Marrow Donor Registry (REDMO). This report reflects the work carried out by the National Transplant Organisation (ONT), donor centres, collection centres, umbilical cord blood banks, transplant centres, regional coordinating bodies and the Josep Carreras-REDMO Foundation.
►By 2023, REDMO has coordinated transplants for 662 Spanish patients and 285 for patients worldwide. Since its inception in 1991, REDMO has managed the collection, transport and infusion of 13,576 transplants for patients worldwide.
► In 2023, 23,686 new donors were added to REDMO (an 8% increase over the previous year), bringing the total number of donors available in the registry database to 484,175, and the evolutionary curve of the registry has finally shifted to an upward direction after 6 years of decline.
►The National Bone Marrow Plan forecast was to incorporate 32,000 donors during 2023, so 74% of the target has been achieved, improving on the previous year’s percentage.
►In March this year, the REDMO obtained global certification from the World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA) in recognition of the quality of its service. This organisation brings together 101 bone marrow donor registries from all over the world. More and more international hospitals are selecting Spanish donors as the most suitable for their patients, thanks to the excellence of the service provided by REDMO.
The Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation has just presented the Report of the Bone Marrow Donor Registry (REDMO) for 2023. We would like to highlight the following figures:
– The number of donors in the world reached 40,860,155. Spain ranks 13th in the world and 6th in Europe with 484,175 donors.
– We are closer to the half a million donors established by the National Bone Marrow Plan, formed by the National Transplant Organisation, the autonomous communities, scientific societies, patient associations and the Josep Carreras Leukaemia Foundation, which manages the REDMO.
– The quality of our registry has improved thanks to a better characterisation of new donors, although the composition of the registry is still mostly female: only 36% are male, taking into account that the ideal donor prototype is young and male.
– 396 Spanish donors have donated bone marrow to a patient in the world who required it, an increase of 24% compared to 2022.
Umbilical cord blood units
– The number of cord blood units available in the world is 805,525. Spain has 62,097, of which 230 are new additions in 2023. The REDMO ranks 1st in the number of available units in Europe and 2nd in the world.
– The Spanish cord blood banks have coordinated the sending of 81 umbilical cord blood units for transplantation to patients all over the world and are leading a project to have the most highly qualified units ready to be sent for transplantation.
– Spanish hospitals have requested a total of 1,260 unrelated donor searches for Spanish patients from REDMO, 12% more than in 2022.
– The median search time to find a compatible donor was 28 days. Ninety-three percent of these donors were located within two months of the start of the search.
– In Spain, 632 transplants were performed from unrelated donors (an increase of 11% over the previous year).
REDMO’s weekly work during 2023
During 2023, the Bone Marrow Donor Registry has carried out this activity every week:
- Register 455 new donors.
- Completion of 37 medical questionnaires with potential donors registered in REDMO.
- Send 28 blood samples from Spanish donors to transplant centres around the world to confirm their suitability.
- Coordinate 9 effective donations from Spanish donors and cord blood units.
- Initiate 24 new unrelated donor searches for Spanish patients.
- To offer 38 suitable donors for the different patients in search of a donor in Spanish transplant centres.
- Deliver 13 donation products from all over the world for patients treated in Spanish transplant centres.
- The transport companies with which REDMO works have travelled 31,232 km to deliver the donated products to Spanish patients in need.
The results shown in this annual report have been possible thanks to the work carried out by the staff of the donor, collection and transplant centres, cord blood banks, immunology laboratories, transport companies and REDMO, but would not have been possible without the generosity of all registered bone marrow donors.